Are you intense?

Welcome to the online home of the Sinha Intensive/Expansive Framework (SIEF) assessment!  Here you can get a feel for which SIEF type you are (intensive or expansive) and where on the SIEF scale you fall, giving you your SIEF score (on a ten point continuum, where zero is the most expansive and ten is the most intensive). I don’t want to tell you too much before you take the assessment, because I want your results to be as unbiased as possible, but once you take the assessment your score report will have more information and tips for you.



It will require an email address so I can send your results. You’ll also get an opportunity to sign up for a one on one call to interpret your results and learn more about being a leader as an intensive or an expansive.

Your score should arrive within a couple of hours of when you complete the assessment.  If it does not, I may have hit my email quota for the day, in which case your score should arrive tomorrow.



Thank you especially to Trevor Peace who gave me the core of the necessary code, J. Opal Staudenmaier, Colin Beveridge who worked out the maths behind the code and gave me the spreadsheet calculations, and everyone else who helped or volunteered an opinion or looked at it or gave it a go.

Again, to take the full, 136 question assessment and get your SIEF score, click here.

or Expansive?

What kind of leader are you?

Intensives are go-like-hell, visionary, disruptive, gut-driven, task-based, and sometimes a little exhausting (and exhausted).

Expansives are steady, planning-oriented, data-driven, predictable, dispassionate, and sometimes a little boring (and overwhelmed).

who are your customers? which is your team? how do you keep them happy? who do you want to attract next?