PowerPivot Podcast


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“When we are desperate to rest, and we don’t rest, it sets off every alarm bell in our system…. Rest is the space of becoming.”...

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Browse or binge, poetry and prose about ethics, power, and business.


“How can you lead if you don’t know that everything around you is a miracle?” Considering the magical essence of things, that language is too small for. The squirrels at the windowsill. Grass on the...
How do we ask for help when we are too overwhelmed to ask for help? Packing for a move makes a great case study, and can remind us that there are times when we must...
“intensiveness is so invisible, that it was more like a goblin or a fairy seated at the table, but nobody could see it. And it was tired and lonely. “ Why we build spaces where...
We are intensives. We excel at seeing the big picture, and drawing the maps that we and our business can follow to take us to our goals. But with all of those moving parts, how...
“In this season of gratitude and giving and giving and giving, it becomes really hard to hold on to the fact that we are the first person for whom we are responsible. That our needs...
The little in a little makes a lot process does actually work, even if it can feel weird to an intensive. But sometimes, especially when we’ve already given everything we’ve got, it’s the only way...
“‘Tis the season of holiday gatherings. And we’re all trying to figure out if we belong in the places where we’ve gathered.” Leela reflects on the ways that finding we like music in common with...
“The most ancient part of this whole thing is that in the northern hemisphere right now we’re talking about the return of the light. The fact that the sun appears to be disappearing and we...
When we move into entrepreneurship, and when we move into positions of leadership, positions of visibility- when we start to be able to take the courage to tap into our own charisma and gather people...
content warning: mentions of violence against trans people. “The world is littered in dead and dying things that are so beautiful right now. What I want to give you is comfort, is succor, is a...